Are you looking for RTh therapists near you?
The RTh therapists finder is meant as a networking space. A place where professionals and patients can connect and find each other. Are you looking for a Rost Therapist as a patient? Or perhaps you want to refer a patient to a pelvic pain specialist? Scroll down for the database.
RTh network for Rost Therapists and other pelvic girdle pain & coccydynia specialists
The RTh therapists network strives to connect pelvic girdle pain and coccydynia professionals via the RTh therapists database. Connect with patients and pelvic pain specialists in this worldwide network of schooled therapists.
How can I register?
Would you like to register in our database so patients and colleagues can find you? Join our Pelvic Girdle Pain and tailbone pain courses. Once you have obtained your certificate of completion you will be listed for 2 year, 5 years or indefinitely depending on the program.